Ackert, who serves the 8th General Assembly District, which covers the towns of Columbia, Coventry, Vernon and Tolland, held the forum to give educators and parents an opportunity to come together to discuss how the implementation of this national program would affect the education of students in local schools.
“Parents, teachers and students deserve the opportunity to formally voice their opinion on this issue,” said Rep. Ackert. “The sole purpose of the forum was to provide a chance for people who are most affected by this legislation to air-out their questions and concerns on the issue. The carrying out of Common Core is quickly transforming the way education is delivered to our students in schools. It’s my responsibility as a legislator to make parents and teachers aware of the changes, and advise them on what is at stake with this legislation being implemented at such a fast pace.”
The meeting came just hours after Ackert joined fellow House Republican Legislators to force a formal public hearing on the controversial Common Core standards and public school teacher evaluation process by petitioning for legislation that the majority party refused to raise in the Education Committee.
“This petition is all about giving people a voice in the legislative process,” said Rep. Ackert. “Every bill that gets taken-up in the legislature deserves a public hearing and needs to follow the appropriate legislative procedure –the implementation of Common Core should not be treated differently.”
After a power-point presentation describing the history of Common Core, Ackert opened up the floor to audience members who expressed deep concern with how the program is being rolled-out...
Ackert plans to schedule an additional town hall forum regarding Common Core in Tolland within the upcoming week.
“This issue is on-going, and I plan on continuing the dialogue with my constituents and my colleagues in the legislature,” said Ackert.
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