November 10, 2013

Teachers believe impact of Common Core is positive?

A link to this article was posted on Facebook a few days ago:

"Teachers believe impact of Common Core will be ‘positive,’ poll says"

Though there’s still some work left on implementation, the vast majority of teachers believe new Common Core State Standards will have a positive impact on education, according to the results of a poll released by Scholastic and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
And I left a comment after the article that reads:

Statements like "the vast majority of teachers" in the article, and "Seventy-four percent (74%) of all teachers in Common Core states" on page 9 of the report, are completely misleading.

According to the census bureau, in 2011-2012 "3 million [teachers] taught at the elementary and middle school level". And if we subtract the roughly 500,000 teachers in states that have rejected CC, that means that the 20,000 teachers they surveyed represent less than one percent of the teachers that are using the standards.

And only a little more than "half of teachers (57%) in Common Core states say that the Common Core State Standards will be positive overall for most students."

So 11,399 teachers, out of the roughly 2.5 million who are using the Common Core Standards think they will be positive overall for most students.

So what.

Go the the article and leave your own comment.

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