January 13, 2014

Connecticut is going into further debt for Common Core

In his article entitled Malloy/Pryor Common Core Strategy - Hey, but we've got some computers! Jonathan Pelto, former member of the CT House of Representatives, writes:

"Governor Malloy's budget provides no additional state funding for major local educational expenses like special education and school transportation...

"Connecticut's Education Funding Formula (ECS) is approximately $2 billion underfunded... The result is that school budgets are hurting, teachers are being let go, class sizes are increasing and there are more and more reports of cut-backs in school programs and services...

"Governor Malloy has directed the State's Bond Commission to borrow $22,619,148 for Common Core equipment...

"The Malloy Administration writes, 'All capital purchases meet the Smarter Balanced Technology Strategy Framework and System Requirements Specifications to ensure that local districts are test-ready.'

"The ultimate cost that communities will have to pay to purchase Common Core computers and software, as well as expand internet capabilities, will be significantly more than the money that is being provided by state of Connecticut...

Read the entire article here.

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