February 8, 2014

The Weekly Quote

“I have told parents don’t look at the standards. They are in eduspeak. Just learn what your child is supposed to get to.”

~ Don Romoser
Connecticut's Statewide PTA President


  1. I was kicked out of John B. Sliney PTA for posting CC articles. I can no longer see the their FB page. I paid my dues, and did participate in Market Math at the local Big Y. What are the by laws, and why can't I share articles regarding C.C,?

  2. The National PTA has received money to promote Common Core. http://www.gatesfoundation.org/How-We-Work/Quick-Links/Grants-Database/Grants/2013/05/OPP1082255

    If the school is a member of the State/National PTA then they have to tow the line, and can't have anyone badmouthing CC on their forums.

    My suggestion is to contact your townwide PTA in writing, to ask them to step in. Ask them outright why you were not allowed to talk about CC on the school PTA FB page, and how, if you are a dues-paying member, they can just throw you off the page without any explanation. Then ask them what you have to do to get back on that page. (If that's what you want to happen.)

    If that doesn't work, then you should probably get in touch with State then National.



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