February 3, 2014

Video of the Parent Teacher Community Forum
from January 25th

This is footage from the infomercial presentation that was given on January 25th in CT, and which I wrote about here. I have to admit I did not watch this video all the way through, since I was there, so I don't know what is said in all the interviews they did in the hall after the presentation. The interesting part starts at 4:30 where Sandra Alberti starts taking questions from the audience.

1 comment:

  1. So you can't pilot standards, but you can pilot the implementation of standards says Alberti. So why didn't they do that?

    Also, CCS did not invent good teaching and I find her comment and stellar advice to teachers to stay focused on the kids and good teaching to be extremely condenscending.

    As if the 45,000+ teachers need words of wisdom from a paid Coleman shill.

    What the %#%# does she think we do every single day? Good thing I didn't go.


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