February 10, 2014

The Words of CT State Representative Gail Lavielle


January 29, 2014

Adopting the Common Core is a sweeping statewide change that affects all students in the public schools and public school teachers across the board. Any change of this magnitude should be subjected to proper public scrutiny and review by the legislative body that represents these constituents.

I have met with hundreds of teachers across the state, and they have told me the same thing over and over again: the heavy administrative load being imposed upon them by the Common Core implementation is compounding the problems they have with the new evaluation system, and together, these two issues are taking them away from their primary job in the classroom. These teachers are not yet confident that either of these processes is benefiting students.

I am pleased that the Governor wants to slow down the implementation process, but his plan does not go nearly far enough in addressing the concerns of teachers and parents. He is once again giving the job of making decisions about implementing the Common Core Standards to an outside advisory council, excluding the legislature and keeping the public out of the discussion. It’s important for the members of the state’s representative body to be fully informed and equipped to assist their constituents in this important area. Discussions must be held openly and decisions must not continue to be made behind closed doors.

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